ASP.NET PDF Viewer using C#, VB/NET

To better understand how COM components can be accessed from your F# programs, and vice versa, consider two examples: in the first one, you will wrap the widely used Flash Player into a form interactively, and in the second one, you will see how an F# object type can be consumed as if it were a COM component The Flash Player that you are accustomed to using in your everyday browsing is an ActiveX control that is loaded by Internet Explorer using an OBJECT element in the HTML page (it is also a plug-in for other browsers, but here we are interested in the COM component) By using a search engine, you can easily find that an HTML element similar to the following is used to embed the player in Internet Explorer: <OBJECT classid ="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase="http://downloadmacromediacom/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflashcab" width ="640" height="480" title ="My movie"> <param name="movie" value="MyMovie.

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Server-side cache enabled and controlled by init.ora setting or session-level setting Does not eliminate soft parses, but makes them less resourceintensive Caches SQL statements submitted by users as well as recursive SQL. Recursive SQL statements are ones generated by Oracle internally (e.g., to do a lookup in the data dictionary during a hard parse)

tendency to crave immediate validation of their work is another architectural trade-off you must sometimes make. Measurable requirements are necessary in order to test the performance of the system before putting it into production. These measures have to be more concrete than It has to be as fast as possible, or There must be no noticeable delay. There are many measures you can use, and you must design a load test that accurately reflects the expected use of the application in the real world. If you re expecting peaks in traffic, you must test a load representing these peaks. You can measure the number of expected concurrent users, the transactions that are processed per second, or the raw throughput of the web server s response stream. Ideally, you should test the system in its less-than-optimum states as well. If you have the website balanced between two web servers, what happens when one of them goes down Can a single box deal with the entire load If not, you may need to add a third server to the mix, two to deal with the expected load, and a third for availability (n+1). There are many tools available from Microsoft that can help you with this process (see Table 1-1). Table 1-1. Tools for Measuring Performance

swf" /> <param name="quality" value="high" /> </OBJECT> From this tag, you know that the CLSID of the Flash Player ActiveX component is the one specified with the classid parameter of the OBJECT element You can now look in the Windows registry under HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID for the subkey corresponding to the CLSID of the Flash ActiveX control If you look at the subkeys, you notice that the ProgID of the component is ShockwaveFlashShockwaveFlash, and InprocServer32 indicates that its location is C:\Windows\ system32\Macromed\Flash\Flash9bocx You can also find the GUID relative to the component type library that, when investigated, shows that the type library is contained in the same OCX file Since Flash Player is an ActiveX control with a GUI, you can rely on aximpexe rather than just tlbimpexe to generate the RCW for the COM component:.

Server-side cache enabled implicitly by the PL/SQL engine based on init.ora or session-level settings Eliminates soft parses altogether when applicable Caches only the statements in PL/SQL code, as explained earlier in this chapter

Some of these events are part of the definition of System.Web.UI.Control. Some are defined by System.Web.UI.Page. Since the Page type inherits from the Control type, they re all exposed at the Page level. Whether these events are defined at the Control or Page level only starts to make a difference in the context of custom control development. Events defined by Control are available during control development. Events defined by the Page are only available during Web Form development. Even if you re not doing custom control development, this distinction can be important when you re using User Controls during Web Form development. Only events defined by the Control base class are available from the code-behind of your User Controls.

Eliminates soft parses altogether when applicable Caches only the statements in JDBC code, as explained earlier in this chapter

2. ActiveX components are COM components implementing a well-defined set of interfaces, and they have a graphical interface. Internet Explorer is well known for loading these components, but ActiveX can be loaded by any application using the COM infrastructure.


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